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Share some information about chicken layer feed making raw materials and feed formulas

2021-03-02 Back to List

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1. How does the laying hen farm formulate the nutrition formula of the free-range laying hen feed?

In general, free-range laying hens do not need compound feed, but the nutrition can be enhanced from the following aspects while controlling the cost:

Energy-is food, usually feed some corn kernels, about 4 cents per corn per day (estimated according to the Chinese market);

Protein-is soybean meal, about 3 cents of soybean meal per day is enough (estimated according to the Chinese market);

Vegetables, bran, about 2 cents per day (estimated according to the Chinese market);

Calcium and Phosphorus-it is stone powder and others, about 1 cent per day (estimated according to the Chinese market;

Basically, it costs about 1 dime per day. The growth period should be about half a year.

small pallet making machines for chicken feeds

2. It is better to feed the laying hens with chicken powder feed or chicken pellet feed

Powder feed for layers refers to the powder feed made by grinding all the feed in the ration into powder, and then adding vitamins and trace element additives. Its advantages are complete nutrition, laying chickens are not easy to picky eaters, but poor palatability, and easy to fly and lose, causing waste. Therefore, the powder used for feeding laying hens should not be ground too finely.

Pellet feed is the use of a pellet machine to make chicken pellets with a diameter of 2.5 to 5.0 mm. Its advantages are complete nutrition, good palatability, chickens cannot be picky eaters, can avoid partial eclipse, prevent waste, facilitate mechanized feeding, and save labor. However, the processing cost of pellet feed is high, and the chicken consumes a large amount of feed. It is easy to cause over-fat laying hens and affect egg production. Therefore, laying hens are generally not suitable for feeding pellets. However, in the summer high temperature season, when the layer hens lose their appetite, pellet feed can be used to increase the chicken's feed intake.

At present, it is still common for layer producers to feed powder. There are usually two ways of feeding powder for laying hens: one is to feed dry powder with buckets, troughs or feeders, so that the chickens can eat freely, so that the chickens can eat the feed at any time. The nutrient gap is small and labor is saved; the other is to feed the wet mix, that is, feed the chickens with water several times a day. The advantage is that the palatability is good, the laying hens like to eat, and the feed intake is large, but weak Chickens often do not eat enough nutrients, causing the gap between strength and weakness to increase, and increasing the number of chickens to be eliminated. Therefore, it is better to feed the laying hens in combination with dry powder and free drinking water.

(However, it should be noted that the breeding techniques of different countries are different, and the breeds and habits of chickens are also different. Among the many chicken farm customers we have encountered, many of them use pellet feed to feed the laying hens.)

The difference between layer feed and broiler feed:

(1) The feeding standards are different, and the nutrients are different.

(2) Broilers mainly eat pelleted feed, and laying hens mainly use powdered feed.

(3) Compound feed for laying hens: corn, soybean meal, wheat bran, fish meal, and shell meal are blended in a certain proportion.

stages of layer poultry feed production and its equipments

3. The difference between complete layer chicken feed and concentrated layer chicken feed:

(1) Complete feed: mainly include three types of feeds:

①Protein feed such as soybean meal, fish meal, various beans;

②Energy feed such as corn, rice, wheat, etc.;

③Additive premixes such as various vitamins, trace elements, anti-disease and growth-promoting drugs, etc. There is no need to add any raw materials during use.

(2) Concentrated feed:

Remove all or most of the energy material in the full price material, leaving only the protein material and the additive premix. When using it, the user will add the energy material according to the instructions.

4. Why is there a big difference in the amount of soybean meal added in the premix for laying hens on the market now?

First of all, we must understand what nutrition does soybean meal provide for laying hens? After all, soybean meal provides protein for chickens, but protein must be broken down into amino acids before it can be digested, absorbed and used, so it is amino acids that ultimately play a nutritional role! That's why the formula is adjusted according to the balance of amino acids! In fact, it is recommended to add 24 soybean meal and 20 soybean meal after the formula is converted to the full price. The protein and amino acid are the same. The premix with 20 soybean meal just converts the lesser 4 soybean meal into amino acids and adds it to the premix feed!

The premix formula with directly added amino acids is easy to absorb and utilize and has the least burden on the body's metabolism! Based on this point of view, it can be determined that as long as the added amount of soybean meal in the recommended formula is large, it means that the premix contains less amino acids, so the cost of the processed premix is ​​lower, and the market price is lower! However, even if some manufacturers add 24 soybean meal, the price of their premix is ​​not low! The cost is passed on to the farmers.

So, if there is a premix with 23 soybean meal in the market, it is recommended not to use 24 soybean meal. If there is 22 soybean meal recommended amount, 23 soybean meal is unnecessary; if there is 21 soybean meal recommended amount, no need 22 soybean meal; if there are 20 soybean meal recommendations, you don’t need 21 soybean meal; if you have 18 soybean meal recommendations, you don’t need 20 soybean meal; but at this stage, there is no layer feed premix that is lower than 20. The amount of soybean meal added! Therefore, it is recommended that farmers choose the premix with 20 recommended formulas of soybean meal with the most cost-effective price!

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5. The amount of bran added in the chicken premix feed for laying hens

What role does wheat bran play in chicken feed? To be honest, bran can only play a small role in the hands of farmers. Some people would say that bran can replenish crude fiber, have more vitamin B, and have the effect of lightly venting and cooling down. However, the nutritional requirements of chickens require crude fiber to be 2.5%, which is enough if no bran is added. Does the vitamin B family still need to be supplemented with bran? Chicken’s intestinal structure is short and excretion is quick. Is it necessary to eat bran to increase excretion? So the value of bran in chicken feed needs to be reconsidered!

But in the hands of premix manufacturers, bran is a treasure! Because cloud marriage premix manufacturers adjust the feed energy concentration of chickens by adjusting the amount of bran added, thereby controlling the feed intake of chickens. If the feed intake is large, the quality of the premix can be lowered, so that the cost is low. If you do, you will make more money and your space profit will be greater! Speaking of this, everyone should understand, why is there a premix with 2%-5% bran recommended on the market? The more bran is added, the greater the feed intake. For each additional 1% of bran, each chicken needs to consume 0.8 grams of full-price feed per day. If 5% of bran is added, the chicken will consume 4g complete feed per day.

If you raise 20,000 laying hens, eat more 20,000×4 grams per day=80kg/day×380 days (laying cycle)=30400kg×2.3 yuan/kg (feed unit price)=69920 yuan; deducted The price of adding 5% bran is 0.04 yuan per kg lower × 380 days × 120 grams (daily feed intake) × 20,000 pieces = 36,480 yuan, and the amount of extra feed is 69,920 yuan-the low price is 36,480 yuan = 33,440 yuan! Therefore, it is recommended that you use 5% of the bran surface to reduce the cost of feed, but it is actually a waste of your breeding cost. If you raise 20,000 chickens, you will waste 33,440 yuan in a laying cycle (in Chinese Quotes calculation)!

In other words: "The higher the amount of bran in the recommended formula, the lower the quality of the premix, the lower the price!" Some friends started to play tricks, not according to the recommended 5% bran Add the amount, just remove the bran and replace it with corn! The result of this is even worse! Because the premix plant designed the amount of amino acids and multidimensional supplements based on the energy intake of the full-price feed with 5% bran, the recommended formula was changed privately. The feed was saved, but the total egg production was gone. , Raising chickens will make even less money. It is clever instead of being clever.

layer chicken feed production price

6. The premix for laying hens is too expensive, how to feed the chickens?

When raising chickens, don’t worry too much about the price of the premix. After all, the amount added is only 5%. The key is to keep the chickens well. No matter how cheap the premix is, the chicken's egg production performance is not good, and it will not make money.

7. Is the premix used for caged laying hens? What kind of layer premix is ​​better

It is recommended to choose a major brand of functional feed. What is a functional feed? Generally, feeds do not contain any other ingredients except for the necessary nutrients. However, functional feeds have functions such as increasing feed intake, promoting weight gain, and improving meat quality. Overall, it is cost-effective to use this type of feed.

8. What is a good chicken feed making formula for laying hens?

Now many chickens have two problems: one is that they lay too many eggs and the nutrition of the eggs is not good. These are the eggs laid by the improved chickens and cannot be changed. The second is that the nutrition is good and the amount of eggs laid is not much. This is the eggs laid by the native breeders or the eggs laid by the fine breed chickens. It cannot be changed.

Recommendation: formula for egg production rate of 75%~85%

Maize 58.31%, bran 3.76%, cooked bean cake 23.31%, imported fish meal 4.0%, stone meal 7.90%, bone meal 2.21%, methionine 0.15%, salt 0.36%. Add 210mg copper sulfate (5ppm copper element), ferrous sulfate 256mg (50 milliyuan/kg iron element), zinc sulfate 275mg (60ppm zinc), 220mg manganese sulfate (70 mg/kg of manganese) per kilogram of material, Potassium iodide 1.32mg (1ppm), sodium selenite 0.68mg (0.2ppm), cobalt chloride 0.823mg, vitamin A15mg, vitamin D3 3.85mg, vitamin B1 2.2mg, B2 6.6mg, B6 2.2mg, vitamin B12 0.015mg, Vitamin E 20mg, vitamin K3 2mg, vitamin C 20mg, niacin 45mg, folic acid 1mg, choline chloride 1.3g, biotin 0.15mg. Flavomycin 5 mg, this formula contains metabolizable energy 2.75 Mcal/kg, crude protein 18%, calcium 3.6%, available phosphorus 0.46%, methionine 0.41%, and lysine 0.92%.

layer chicken feed formulation machine prices

9. A self-ingredient recipe for free-range laying hens!

Prepare corn and soybean meal and bran, and buy some premix. After mixing together, it is a good self-preparation. It is not as good as the full price feed of the feed manufacturer, but it is much better than feeding the chicken directly with a single grain. Premixes are now also available online.

10. Hens prefer to lay eggs after eating feed. Is it because there is estrogen in the feed for laying hens?

It's not. It is because the nutrient ratio in the feed is very comprehensive.

11. How to make chicken feed recipe for layers?Conventional feed formula for laying hens during the laying period

(1) Chicken Feed Recipe :Corn 60.00, bran 10.0, bean cake 10.0, locust leaf powder 2.0, fish meal 10.0 shell powder 6.9, other additives 1.0, salt 0.1.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.34, crude protein 16.5, crude fiber 2.4, calcium 3.20, phosphorus 0.71, lysine 0.91, methionine 0.32, cystine 0.27. This formula uses shell powder to supplement the lack of calcium in the layer feed, and the energy and protein content are more suitable. During the period of low egg production, the protein content is high. When the egg production rate is high, more calcium should be added. 

(2) Chicken Feed  Making Recipe 2: corn 51.7, sorghum 5.0, barley 9.0, bean cake 15.0, locust leaf powder 5.0, fish meal 5.5, bone meal 2.0, oyster meal 6.5, salt 0.3.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.42, crude protein 17.0, crude fiber 3.0, calcium 3.42, phosphorus 0.56, lysine 0.98, methionine 0.31, cystine 0.27. The various nutrients in this formula are more suitable.

(3) Chicken Feed Recipe 3: corn 51.4, sorghum 5.0, barley 12.0, bean cake 12.3, locust leaf powder 5.0, fish meal 5.5, bone meal 2.5, oyster meal 6.0, salt 0.3.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.42, crude protein 16.0, crude fiber 3.0, calcium 3.27, phosphorus 0.56, lysine 0.85, methionine 0.31, cystine 0.25. The various nutrients in this formula are more suitable for the nutritional needs of laying hens.

(4) Chicken Feed Recipe 4: Corn 51.7, Sorghum 5.0, Barley 15.0, Bean Cake 9.0, Sophora Leaf Powder 5.0, Fish Meal 5.5, Bone Meal 2.5, Oyster Meal 6.0, Salt 0.3.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.46, crude protein 15.0, crude fiber 2.4, calcium 3.26, phosphorus 0.56, lysine 0.77, methionine 0.30, cystine 0.24. The various nutrients in this formula are more suitable.

(5)Chicken Feed Recipe 5: Corn 74.60, Bean Cake 10.56, Alfalfa Meal 4.00, Fish Meal 2.50, Meat and Bone Meal 1.00, Stone Powder 5.44, Dicalcium Phosphate 1.50, Table Salt 0.4. Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 12.18, crude protein 14.8, crude fiber 2.9, calcium 2.56, phosphorus 0.61, lysine 0.54, methionine 0.20, cystine 0.22.

In this formula, the amount of corn is large, and the fish meal is small. It is a high-energy, low-protein feed formula. The content of lysine and methionine + cystine in the formula is low, and calcium is also lacking, so it should be adjusted appropriately.

(6)Chicken Feed Recipe 6: corn 55.0, corn navel cake, soil miscellaneous grains 10.5, bran 6.0, bean cake 17.0, fish meal 5.0, shell meal 3.0, stone powder 3.0, methionine 0.1, salt 0.4.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.30, crude protein 17.0, crude fiber 2.9, calcium 2.34, phosphorus 0.48, lysine 0.88, methionine 0.37, cystine 0.28. This formula uses a large amount of soybean cake and fish meal. It is a high-protein feed formula with an appropriate ratio of amino acids. However, it is lacking in calcium and phosphorus and should be supplemented.

(7)Chicken Feed Making Formula 7: corn 49.62, sorghum 10.0, bran 7.5, bean cake 9.0, locust leaf powder 7.0, fish meal 6.0, bone meal 2.0, stone powder 6.5, methionine 0.08, other additives 2.0, salt 0.3.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.5, crude protein 14.1, crude fiber 3.2, calcium 3.23, phosphorus 0.89, lysine 0.73, methionine 0.35, cystine 0.17. This formula is a low-energy, low-protein feed formula, and various nutrient ratios in the formula are appropriate.

(8)Chicken Feed Recipe 8: Corn 64.8, Sorghum 1.0, Bean Cake 18.5, Sophora Leaf Powder 0.5, Fish Meal 4.0, Bone Meal 1.5, Stone Powder 7.3, Methionine 0.1, Other Additives 2.0, Salt 0.3.

Main nutrients: Metabolizable energy 11.92, crude protein 15.3, crude fiber 2.4, calcium 3.20, phosphorus 0.60, lysine 0.81, methionine 0.38, and cystine 0.20. This formula has higher energy, so protein and calcium should be appropriately increased during the peak period of egg production.

manufacturing machines for layer chicken feed


12. How to use chicken feed recipes to produce chicken feed pellets

The production of chicken feed pellets needs to start with the development of a scientific feed formulation that utilizes advanced production line technology and equipment to ensure that the feed is nutritionally balanced, palatable and easy to store. Here are a few key aspects:

Nutritional requirements: Formulate scientific feed formulas based on the nutritional requirements of chickens at different growth stages (e.g. brooding, finishing and egg-laying). The main nutrients to be considered include protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Selection of raw materials: Choose high-quality feed ingredients, such as corn, soybean meal, fish meal, wheat bran, etc., to ensure that the nutritional composition of the feed meets the formula standards. Also consider using additives such as vitamin and mineral premixes to supplement micronutrients.

Ratio blending: Blend the ratio of each ingredient according to the different needs of chickens. Ensure that all indicators such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals meet the standards to promote healthy growth and high production of chickens.

This aspect has been explained in detail above. Of course, if you want to customize your own unique feed formulation, then RICHI Machinery suggests you to conduct a lot of professional market research combined with the actual use of the user, and finally determine your own unique formula.

Crushing: Crush large particles of raw materials such as corn, soybean meal, etc. to increase the surface area of the feed and improve the digestibility of chickens. Use hammer mill or roller mill for crushing.

Mixing: The crushed ingredients are mixed evenly according to the formula ratio. Even mixing is the key to ensuring that each feed pellet is nutritionally balanced. Use a vertical or horizontal mixer to accomplish this process.

Moisturizing: Adding the right amount of water to the mixture and adjusting it to the right humidity level increases the efficiency of granulation and the quality of the pellets.

Steam modulation: Use steam to modulate the mixture before the pelletizer to further soften it and facilitate pellet forming.

Pelletizer: The prepared mixture is pressed into pellets using a richi feed pellet machine. The feed is extruded into pellet shape by high pressure and heat generated by friction. Pellet size can be adjusted according to the needs of different stages of chickens.

Cooling: Freshly made pellets are hot and need to be cooled down to near room temperature by means of a cooler. Cooling helps to harden the pellets and prevent mold and nutrient loss.

Drying: Ensure that the moisture content of the pellets is less than 10% for long term storage. Drying can be achieved by natural air drying or by using drying equipment.

Inspection: Quality inspection of pellet feed to ensure that the nutrient content and physical properties meet the standards. Tests include hardness, size, nutritional uniformity, etc.

Packaging and storage: Pack qualified feed pellets in sealed bags to prevent moisture and pollution. Store in dry and cool environment, avoid direct sunlight.

Importance of feed pellet production line

Modern feed pellet production line integrates the functions of crushing, mixing, modulation, granulation, cooling and packaging, which greatly improves the production efficiency. The automated production line can run continuously, reduce manual intervention and improve production capacity.

Advanced production line equipment can accurately control each production step, from raw material crushing, mixing to pelletizing, to ensure uniformity and consistency, to ensure that each batch of feed is of stable quality and meets the nutritional standards.

Through automation and efficient production processes, labor costs and production time are reduced, while maximizing the use of raw materials and lowering production costs. The efficient operation of the production line also reduces energy consumption, further lowering operating costs.

Pelletized feed is easier to store and transport than powdered feed, and has a longer shelf life. Modern production lines ensure low moisture content of pellet feed through cooling and drying processes, preventing mold and nutrient loss.

Modern feed production line focuses on environmental protection design to reduce dust emission and noise pollution. Meanwhile, it realizes sustainable production through efficient use of raw materials and energy, which meets the environmental protection requirements of modern agriculture.

Through scientific feed formulation and efficient production line, the production of chicken feed pellets not only meets the nutritional requirements of chickens, but also improves the production efficiency and economic benefits, providing strong support for the development of the farming industry.

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